United Content BV / AG
Broekseweg 8
3291LA Strijen
The Netherlands
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 400 544 99
Chamber of Commerce: KVK 73972673
VAT Number: NL859729011B01
Telephone number: +31 (0)6 5395 0413
Email: support@globalpaysites.com
(hereinafter referred to as "United Content AG")
United Content AG offers users access to erotic images, videos and live cams (hereinafter referred to as "Content") via the portal https://ukxxxpass.xxx/ which can be accessed on the Internet.
1 Prerequisites for use and registration
1.1 By using or making use of all content and services offered by United Content AG (hereinafter referred to as "services"), the user accepts these GTC and the provisions on data protection. These provisions apply exclusively. There are no verbal collateral agreements.
1.2 Accessing and visiting the "ukxxxpass start pages" is free of charge and possible without prior registration. The only costs incurred are those for the internet connection.
1.3 The other services, in particular the services subject to the age restriction from 18 (hereinafter referred to as "18er services"), are reserved for members of United Content AG. To become a member, a paid registration with United Content AG is required (see section 2 "Memberships").
1.3.1 Registration with United Content AG is only permitted to users who have reached the age of 18 and have a valid email address.
1.3.2 By registering online, the user makes an offer to conclude a contract for a paid membership.
1.3.3 United Content AG accepts the User's offer by notifying the User by email that it is now possible for the User to log in with his or her personal user name and password and to access the services of United Content AG.
1.4 For reasons of protection of minors, the registered user will only be granted access to the 18s services (closed user group) after successful age verification. For this purpose, it is mandatory that the user undergoes age verification after logging in for the first time.
1.5 The user must provide complete and truthful information during registration and age verification. The user must notify United Content AG without delay of any subsequent changes to his/her data (this also includes the email address).
1.6 The use in or under the name of a third party - without their consent - as well as the multiple registration of a user under different names is not permitted.
1.7 United Content AG offers its services exclusively for private, non-commercial purposes. The use of the service for commercial purposes is not permitted.
2 Memberships and contract duration
2.1 United Content AG offers the User the following memberships with different terms and different services:
2.1.1 the trial membership with a minimum contract period of 2 days;
2.1.2 the 30-day membership with a minimum contract period of 30 days ;
2.1.3 the 6-month membership with a minimum contract period of 6 months ;
2.1.4 the 12-month Membership with a minimum contract period of 12 months ;
2.2 The descriptions of the areas and services accessible by purchasing the respective membership (hereinafter referred to as "service descriptions") can be viewed at https://ukxxxpass.xxx/. United Content AG reserves the right to change the service descriptions and accessible services, provided that the User is not unreasonably disadvantaged by the change.
3 Duties of the User
3.1 The User undertakes to comply with the general legal provisions when using the services of United Content AG, not to disseminate any contents relevant under criminal law and not to infringe other rights of third parties (in particular industrial property rights, competition law and general personal rights). In particular, the dissemination of content harmful to minors, child pornography, extremist and racist content is prohibited.
3.2 The user must keep his login only for personal use and in such a way that third parties cannot gain access to this login. The user must ensure confidentiality and proper use. The login can be used from different computers, however, the user declares that he/she will not log in from several computers at the same time.
3.3 The User must in particular ensure that minors are not allowed to view the 18 services of United Content AG.
3.4 The User is responsible for ensuring that the content he/she posts is free of viruses, Trojans and worms. Furthermore, the user is not allowed to use mechanisms, software, programs or other routines that could interfere with the systems of the "ukxxxpass website and services". The user may not take any measures that could lead to an unreasonable overload of the systems.
3.5 United Content AG is entitled to immediately block the user's access without further notice even in the event of a first-time breach of the obligations under sections 3.1 to 3.4. United Content AG expressly reserves the right to assert a claim for damages.
3.6 Insofar as the user misuses the services of United Content AG for commercial purposes contrary to the provisions of these GTC and/or associates his registration with business interests, he undertakes to pay a contractual penalty of € 2,000.00 (in words: "two thousand") to United Content AG for each proven, culpable infringement.
4 Terms of payment and invoicing
4.1 The User is obliged to pay the fee due. The invoice amounts due are determined in accordance with the service description and price list valid at the time of conclusion of the contract, which can be viewed at https://ukxxxpass.xxx/. The total amount for the term of the membership shall be collected at the beginning of the term.
4.2 Individual services and functions of the web offer can be obtained via the portal's own currency "Coins". For this purpose, the user shall set up his own coin account. The payment to the coin account shall be made by the payment method specified in section 4.3.
4.3 The User shall provide the data required for the payment upon conclusion of the contract. By providing the payment data, the User authorises United Content AG until revoked to collect the fees due from the specified account, the specified credit card or the other selected payment methods. If the User selects direct debit as the payment method, he/she also authorises United Content AG to collect the fees due from the specified account using the SEPA (Single Europe Payments Area) direct debit procedure. The first membership fee will be collected on the 8th day after the initial registration. The membership fees to be paid on a regular basis thereafter shall be collected on the first day of each new term. The collection of fees arising from additional services shall take place on the following day. If the user is in the first week of membership, the debit will not be made until the 8th day after registration. The user shall instruct his/her bank to honour the direct debits drawn by United Content AG. The user can only demand reimbursement of the amount within 8 weeks of the debit date. The conditions agreed with his credit institution shall apply. Verification of the deposited bank account is effected by transferring one Euro cent (€ 0.01 incl. the legally owed VAT). Amounts due within the scope of membership will only be debited from the 8th day after registration. If the user selects credit card as the method of payment, the credit card statement will state: "ukxxxpass.xxx, Hamburg". United Content AG reserves the right not to offer certain payment methods and to refer to other payment methods.
4.4 The following reminder costs are to be reimbursed by the user:
Return debit note for SEPA direct debit for which the user is responsible: € 4.50
Expenses due to non-receipt of credit card payment for which the user is responsible: € 4.50
Reminder fee: € 2.80
The user reserves the right to prove lower costs.
4.5 If the User is in default of payment, United Content AG is entitled to block the respective service. The block will be lifted immediately after United Content AG has booked the amount in arrears. The block does not release the User from his obligation to pay.
4.6 All membership information is sent electronically to the email address provided by the User. If payment by invoice is selected, the User agrees to receive invoices electronically. Electronic invoices will be sent to the user in PDF format to the e-mail address provided by the user.
5. contract extension and termination
5.1 The membership contract may be terminated by either party with two weeks' notice to the end of the agreed contract period. The user's notice of termination must be in text form. The deadline is met if the notice of termination is received by United Content AG before the deadline expires; the timeliness of the dispatch is irrelevant.
5.2 If notice of termination is not given, the contract is automatically renewed for the agreed minimum term. If the membership is a 24-month membership, the contract is automatically extended by a further 12 months at half the 24-month membership price. If the membership is a trial membership, then the membership will be transferred to the 30-day membership after expiry of the term without notice.
5.3 The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected. Good cause is deemed to exist for United Content AG in particular
5.3.1 if the User has not sufficiently ensured that minors do not have access to the services of United Content AG,
5.3.2 if the user fails to pay outstanding invoice amounts in a not inconsiderable amount without cause after the default has occurred,
5.3.3 if the user seeks a moratorium on debts from his creditors, if proceedings are instituted against the user for the issuance of an affidavit, if composition or insolvency proceedings are instituted against his assets, or if he has applied for the institution of such proceedings, or if there is any other significant deterioration in the financial circumstances of the user which gives rise to fears that he will be temporarily or permanently unable to meet his obligations, unless he provides appropriate security within 10 days of being requested to do so,
5.3.4 if the user provides false information regarding bank details, credit card or address (in this case the user shall first be granted a two-week period to correct the information).
5.4 In the event of extraordinary termination for reasons for which the User is responsible, the User shall bear all costs incurred in the processing of the contractual relationship. The user reserves the right to prove a lesser damage.
6 Placement of Content
6.1 By uploading the content to the portal https://ukxxxpass.xxx/ a licence agreement with the following rights of use is concluded between United Content AG and the User:
By uploading the content the User transfers to United Content AG the right, unlimited in time and space, to reproduce, distribute, publish, make publicly available and broadcast the content uploaded by the User on the portal for the duration of the publication and to provide individual excerpts for offer purposes. United Content AG is entitled to place advertisements using the uploaded content or to use it for other advertising purposes. It also includes the right to edit, redesign and recompile the content, in particular to adapt the content to the file formats required for use and to change and/or improve the quality of presentation.
6.2 The right of use may be revoked by the User for individual Content by manual deletion or in its entirety by termination of membership in accordance with section 5.1.
6.3 With the transfer of content to the servers of United Content AG the User assures and commits to United Content AG that
6.3.1 not to violate legal provisions or the rights of third parties, in particular to refrain from infringement(s) of criminal law, copyright law, competition law, youth protection law, trademark, labelling and personal rights and other industrial property rights. It is also expressly forbidden to offer or otherwise promote illegal content such as, for example, depictions glorifying violence, extremist, insulting, defamatory and racist content, sexual acts with children, minors, warded children or animals or similar content via the portal. The depiction of the aforementioned content is also prohibited in a subsequent form.
6.3.2 that he/she holds the complete and sole right to this content, as well as a declaration of consent from all persons audiovisually recorded in the content, which the content creator must prove upon request. In addition, the content provider assures that all audiovisually recorded persons have reached the age of 18.
6.3.3 to comply with the content policy established by United Content AG. This includes in particular that all performers must visibly participate in the actions voluntarily. United Content AG expressly prohibits the depiction of teens / teenagers, depictions of violence and violent texts, incestuous depictions and texts as well as any depictions and texts with a church or religious connection or with a religious background.
6.4 The user is prohibited from posting content twice, even in different versions or under different accounts.
6.5 The user is responsible for ensuring that the content he/she posts is free of viruses, Trojans and worms that could endanger or impair the functionality or existence of United Content AG.
6.6 United Content AG reserves the right to delete or block the posted light and moving images without prior notification or consent of the user if these or the user violate these GTC, the Content Policy and / or the law. This also applies if a violation is suspected.
6.7 The User shall indemnify United Content AG upon first request against all claims of third parties which they assert against United Content AG due to the infringement of their rights, in particular copyrights, licensing rights, competition rights, personal rights or other property rights, based on the content transmitted by the User. Should a charge exist, the user undertakes to remove this charge immediately at his own expense.
6.8 The user shall reimburse United Content AG for the costs of legal action arising from the illegal content. The user shall support United Content AG in obtaining and defending rights to content covered by this agreement, in particular by providing necessary information. The user shall also make all necessary declarations and sign all documents required for the aforementioned purpose or requested by United Content AG in order to secure the latter the full and exclusive use and benefits of the content covered by this contract and to exploit it. The above obligations shall also apply after the termination of this contract.
7 Liability
7.1 The user indemnifies United Content AG from any claims of third parties due to unlawful use of the "ukxxxpass website and / or services" by the user. The user shall immediately inform United Content AG of any claims by third parties due to unlawful use of the "ukxxxpass website and / or services".
7.2 The user declares that if he intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly allows third parties to use his access or login name, he is fully responsible for all online actions of these persons. The user shall be liable for any misuse occurring in this respect and shall bear all costs incurred as a result of unauthorised use. This also applies in particular to sales, purchases, contract extensions and the ordering of additional fee-based offers.
7.3 United Content AG is only responsible for third-party content
7.3.1 if United Content AG has knowledge of the illegal actions or the information and, in the case of claims for damages, also knows the facts or circumstances from which the illegal action or the information becomes apparent and
7.3.2 if United Content AG has not taken immediate action to remove the content or to block access to it as soon as United Content AG has gained such knowledge. The responsibility of United Content AG for external links is governed by sentence 1. The same applies to all contents of pages which are displayed within the offer of United Content AG in so-called "frames" under a "ukxxxpass navigation bar".
7.4 United Content AG is furthermore liable for damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence, claims under the Product Liability Act and in the event of injury to life, limb or health in accordance with the statutory provisions. United Content AG shall only be liable for damages caused by simple negligence on the part of United Content AG or its vicarious agents if a material contractual obligation has been breached, the fulfilment of which is a prerequisite for the proper performance of the contract, the breach of which jeopardises the achievement of the purpose of the contract and on the observance of which the user regularly relies. In the latter case, however, United Content AG shall not be liable for damage that is not foreseeable and not typical for the contract.
7.5 United Content AG is not liable for impairments, limitations or impediments to performance, as well as delays and interruptions of the services, which are based on circumstances outside its area of responsibility. In particular, United Content AG does not guarantee uninterrupted availability and the establishment of connections at all times or the constant maintenance of a specific data throughput or the transmission of data via a specific network.
8 Final provisions
8.1 The offers and content provided by United Content AG are protected by copyright. The user is not permitted to download or print out this content on his/her private or commercially used computer. The user is not entitled to further acts of use, such as copying, distribution or publication.
8.2 United Content AG reserves the right to change these GTC, the service descriptions or the price lists in order to restore the balance of the contractual relationship, insofar as this is necessary due to unforeseeable, in particular technical, legal or regulatory changes after the conclusion of the contract or has become necessary due to the fact that third parties from whom United Content AG obtains necessary preliminary services change their range of services or their prices. A price change is limited to the scope of this cost change.
8.3 A change in accordance with clause 8.2 is only permissible insofar as essential provisions of the contractual relationship (i.e. in particular those concerning the type and scope of the contractually agreed services and the term including the provision on termination) are not affected and the change is reasonable for the User, taking into account the mutual interests of the parties.
8.4 Intended changes according to clause 8.2 - which are not exclusively due to an increase in value added tax - shall be notified to the user in writing at least 6 weeks before they take effect. If the user does not object to the change within a period of 6 weeks from receipt of the notification, the change shall become part of the contract at the time it takes effect. United Content AG undertakes to inform the User of the consequences of a failure to object in the notification of change.
8.5 The transfer of rights and obligations under this contract by one party to one or more third parties is only permitted with the prior consent of the other party. Notwithstanding the above prohibition on transfer, United Content AG is permitted to transfer this contract to a company affiliated with United Content AG within the meaning of §§ 15 ff. AktG (German Stock Corporation Act).
8.6 Should one or more provisions of this agreement be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the remainder of the agreement. The invalid or unenforceable clause shall be replaced, according to the will of the parties, by a permissible and lawful clause corresponding to the economic and liability purpose of the agreement.
8.7 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies to all legal transactions and legal relationships between United Content AG and the User, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, but only to consumers to the extent that the consumer is not deprived of the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the state in which he has his habitual residence.
8.8 For the out-of-court settlement of disputes, consumers have the option of online dispute resolution of the European Commission (hereinafter referred to as "OS") via the OS platform for online purchase and service contracts. This can be accessed via the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
8.9 Notice in accordance with § 36 of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Act:
United Content AG is neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
8.10 As far as legally permissible, Hamburg is agreed as the place of performance for all mutual services owed under the contract, including any claims for restitution.
8.11 The courts in Hamburg have exclusive jurisdiction for disputes arising from or in connection with the use of offers of United Content AG or from these terms and conditions, provided that the user is a merchant or does not have a fixed place of residence in Hamburg, has moved his place of residence or usual place of abode abroad after these terms and conditions have come into effect or if his place of residence or usual place of abode is not known at the time the action is brought.
9 Refund Policy
Refunds for purchases or recurring charges may be requested by contacting customer support. Refunds or credits will not be issued for partially used Memberships. Cancellation for all future recurring billing may be requested in accordance with Section 5. United Content reserves the right to grant a refund or a credit applicable to purchases to the Site at its discretion. The decision to refund a charge does not imply the obligation to issue additional future refunds. Should a refund be issued by United Content for any reason, it will be credited solely to the payment method used in the original transaction. United Content will not issue refunds by cash, check, or to another payment mechanism.
Updated: 19-01-2023